Can a Christian Vote For…

Elgin Hushbeck -

Can a Christian vote for Trump? Can a Christian vote for Biden? The problem with such questions is that they imply there is a Christian answer, a Christian way to vote. Vote one way, and you will be on God’s side, vote the other, and you are voting against God. This way of approaching such issues is very dangerous for both religious and secular reasons.

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The Ultimate Environmentalists

Elgin Hushbeck -

In one sense, critics of the Bible are the ultimate environmentalists, for they recycle everything.  Refute one of their objections, and they just move on to the next, and over time they all get recycled.  The most recent example of this was Raphael Lataster’s article in the Washington Post that asks “Did historical Jesus really […]

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The Cult Question

Elgin Hushbeck -

With Romney as the front-runner, the question of his Mormon religion continues to be an issue and came to the forefront recently when a Perry supporter labeled Mormons a cult, which was then followed by calls for Perry to repudiate these comments. This is an issue, which if not handled correctly, could blow up in […]

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Hitchens – God Is Not Great XXXII

Elgin Hushbeck -

Listen to the MP3 In my extended review of Christopher Hitchens book “God Is Not Great,” I have finally reached the last chapter, “In Conclusion: The Need for a New Enlightenment.”  Hitchens opens the chapter with a discussion of a quote by Lessing, where he says that given the opportunity to know all truth, he […]

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Hitchens – God Is Not Great XXXI

Elgin Hushbeck -

Listen to the MP3 In  my extended review of  Christopher Hitchens book “God Is Not Great,” I have come to chapter 18, A Finer Tradition: The Resistance of the Rational.  The chapter struck me as a very strange chapter, for it left me with the feeling that Hitchens lives in somewhat of a fantasy world, […]

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