Archive for July, 2009
The Defense of Marriage Part II
Listen to the MP3 When looking at the issue of the government sanction of marriage, the first question to ask is: should government even get involved at all? Why shouldn’t marriage simply be a private matter between those involved to arrange their relationships in whatever way they want to arrange them? In short, why should […]
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Their efforts to impede the Tea Party having been a bust, anonymous callers have started to call local businesses who supported the Tea Party calling the Tea Party Patriots a “Racist Group.” They must be very worried. If the Tea Parties were as unimportant and insignificant as they like to claim then why the effort […]
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The Wausau Tea Party held on the 4th, despite some minor opposition came off very well. On Thursday, I received a call from a friend about an article in City Pages, a local weekly, warning about the tea party. She was complaining because the article made it seem as if a group of Right wing […]
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