Energion Roundtable Week 8 Judges

Elgin Hushbeck -

This week’s Energion Roundtable question with Bob Cornwall, Arthur Sido, Allan R. Bevere, Joel Watts, and myself is: One of the ways in which a president shapes the future of the country is through appointments to the judiciary, and especially the Supreme Court. How do you see each candidate shaping the future of the court, […]

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Energion Roundtable Week 7 Jobs

Elgin Hushbeck -

This week’s Energion Roundtable question with Bob Cornwall, Arthur Sido, Allan R. Bevere, Joel Watts, and myself is: What are the key policies that should be implemented in order to [create / facilitate the creation of / not impede the creation of] jobs? As always, feel free to compare your ideas to those of the […]

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RoundTable 5 Middle East Turmoil

Elgin Hushbeck -

This week’s Energion Roundtable question with Bob Cornwall, Arthur Sido, Allan R. Bevere, Joel Watts, and myself is: Do you approve or disapprove of President Obama’s and Governor Romney’s responses to the violence in Egypt and Libya and now in other countries in the middle east? One of the problems with reacting to events like […]

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Responding to Cornwall: Three Important Issues

Elgin Hushbeck -

As I read through Bob Cornwall’s reply to this week’s question, I was initially struck by how much common ground there was, at least in terms of the issues themselves, and yet as I thought more about each one, the more that I could see that we differed considerably. Income Disparity  This is an area […]

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On your own?

Elgin Hushbeck -

Obama’s  speech last week in Roanoke is a great example of what is wrong with the Obama Presidency.  First and foremost, while he campaigned as someone who would raise the level of debate and unite the country, he has governed and now runs a campaign based on dividing the country into groups and then pitting […]

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