Gas Insanity – 2011

Elgin Hushbeck -

Einstein famously defined Insanity as doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Based on this definition, we are once again entering into insanity when it comes to gas prices. I have been observing this since the 1980s, and I am sure that it goes back before this. Every summer prices […]

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Can You Trust Conservatives

Elgin Hushbeck -

The wife of a liberal friend of mine recently asked some sincere questions trying to figure out conservatives, and so I thought I would address them. I will do the political question here and the more religiously oriented ones in the near future at my other blog, Her politically oriented question concerned the statement […]

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A Failure of Capitalism?

Elgin Hushbeck -

There is still a lot of confusion over how the current financial crisis started and thus why we are in the mess that we are in.   Some argue that it is the failure of Capitalism.  Others argue that it was cause by government not doing enough, an absence of regulation.  There does seems to be […]

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A Touch of Class

Elgin Hushbeck -

Whether planned or not, one of the results of Obama’s attempted transformation of the United States is to bring a touch of class to the country.  But not class in a good sense, but rather the growing division of the country into two increasingly distinct groups, the Elites, and the Public. Three sub-groups then divide […]

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Palin and Obama

Elgin Hushbeck -

In a post on why there is so much hatred directed toward Sarah Palin, (Not Hating Sarah Palin)  Henry Neufeld make the following comment, “If the left had really wanted to see Palin diminish as an issue, they should have stayed away from exaggerated attacks and rumors. But the right should have done the same […]

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