A Difference Between Liberals and Conservatives

Posted By Elgin Hushbeck

I just heard the result of two poll on Dennis Prager concerning views of the US and the UN.

US: https://www.rasmussenreports.com/USA%20Role%20Model.htm
UN: https://www.rasmussenreports.com/United%20Nations.htm

The Poll showed that most conservatives have a positive view of the US(74% favorable) and a negative view of the UN (only 20% favorable), while most liberals had a positive view of the UN (60%) and many a negative view of the US (49 % positive ). Among thos who said they were “very liberal” a plurality had a negative view. If accurate this goes a long way to explain why Liberals are always saying that the US should only act if the UN approves, for they trust the UN more than the US. It also shows that the charge of “Blame American first” is not really that far from the mark.

Of course, that does not explain why liberal see the US so negatively, or more mysteriously, why they see the UN in such a positive light; especially given all of its failures and most recently the huge scandal with the oil for food program, which probably played a very significant role in its reluctance of France, Germany and Russia to go to war, for not did would they loose the huge bribes they were being paid, but as has now happened the scandal would be exposed.

Apr 30th, 2004

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