Wausau Tea Party Update
Their efforts to impede the Tea Party having been a bust, anonymous callers have started to call local businesses who supported the Tea Party calling the Tea Party Patriots a “Racist Group.” They must be very worried. If the Tea Parties were as unimportant and insignificant as they like to claim then why the effort to stop them?
It also says a lot about the entire situation. The message of the Tea Party is a simple one. Government is growing too big, taxing and borrowing too much. We simply have to tell the truth about what Government is doing and these people get all upset and start lying.
If nothing else, the incredible leap of illogic to go from thinking Government is too big and spending too much to being somehow racist is astounding. Especially given that many of those who support the current massive borrowing, opposed a much lower level of borrowing by the prior administration. I agreed with their criticism of Republicans who spent too much even if I did doubt their sincerity. Now it is clear that I was right to do so.
Wausau Tea Party Update
The Wausau Tea Party held on the 4th, despite some minor opposition came off very well. On Thursday, I received a call from a friend about an article in City Pages, a local weekly, warning about the tea party. She was complaining because the article made it seem as if a group of Right wing extremist had hijacked the American Legion’s Flag raising ceremony. The truth of the matter is that there was only a loose link between the Legion’s ceremony at Noon, and the Tea Party that began an hour and half later. The Tea party was using the same permit “with the understanding that their events were separate.” In addition the Tea party was donating a share of the proceeds to the Legion for the support of troops serving overseas and their families.
Following City Page’s inaccurate story, the Legion received “anonymous callers” who threatened a boycott of the Legion and so late on Friday the Legion cancel their fourth of July events. When Tea Party supporters arrived to set up they discovered that somehow the sprinklers had been left on all night. But they were able to get them turned off and by noon, the ground was reasonable dry.
The crowd started showing up around 11:00 and by the 1:30 start time was pretty large. They were not the extremists City Pages had warned about, but rather a just a group of Americans concerned about their country, but still upbeat having a good time. There was no hate or anger in the speeches that were given, but concern and love of country. And despite the reaction of the Legion to the anonymous callers the Tea Party will still be donating a share of the money raised to the Legions fund for the support of servicemen and their families serving overseas. All and all a good day.
Wausau Tea Party
I will be a speaker at the July 4th Tea Party here in Wausau. The “Let Freedom Ring” Independence Day Celebration & Tea Party Event will be held to benefit our soldiers overseas and their families, and will be from noon till 4:00 PM. I provide more details as they become available.
Book Signing in Wausau
I had a very good book signing in Wausau Wi. I met a number of wonderful people and sold out Preserving Democracy in about about an hour and a half. Thanks to all go came out to support the book.
MP3 of WSAU Interview
WSAU has posted the MP3 of the yesterdays interveiw on my book Preserving Democracy. You find it at https://feeds.museumpods.com/interviews.xml