Archive for May, 2004

The Privileged Planet

Elgin Hushbeck -

I also finished Guillermo Gonzalez and Jay Richard’s “The Privileged Planet.” While not as good as Brian Greene’s, it was still an interesting read on many levels. Their basic aim is to challenge the Copernican Principle, which is the claim that there is nothing unusual or special about the planet we live on. Their basic […]

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The Fabric of the Cosmos

Elgin Hushbeck -

I finished Brian Greene’s The Fabric of the Cosmos. It was very good book, if you are at all interested in cutting edge physics and cosmology presented in a way that a person with little or no physics training can understand (i.e. no math), I highly recommend it. The first ¾ of the book is […]

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Kerry and the Nomination

Elgin Hushbeck -

It is reported that Kerry is thinking about delaying accepting the nomination. I understand the reasoning and logic behind it, and it does make some sense. But to me this points out just one more absurdity of the whole Campaign Finance system. After all if a candidate can wait 5 weeks, why don’t they just […]

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Same-Sex Marriages

Elgin Hushbeck -

Well Same-Sex Marriage is here, at least for awhile. Those who support Same-Sex Marriage argue that it will have no effect on society other than that some same-sex couples will now be legally married. To me this is extremely naïve. I think it will have some positive benefits for those same-sex couples who do marry […]

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The Iraq War

Elgin Hushbeck -

When it comes to the war, one can only speculate what would have happened if Turkey had not backed out and our troops could have come down from the north. Most of the problems today come from that area north of Baghdad that were left untouched by the war as a result of Turkey’s decision. […]

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