Same-Sex Marriages

Posted By Elgin Hushbeck

Well Same-Sex Marriage is here, at least for awhile. Those who support Same-Sex Marriage argue that it will have no effect on society other than that some same-sex couples will now be legally married.

To me this is extremely naïve. I think it will have some positive benefits for those same-sex couples who do marry as it will be easier for them access the benefits that married people have (though with a little work they could have gotten almost all of them otherwise). It will also give them a sense of acceptance (which is what I think really drives this issue.)

However there will also be some negative consequences. The most important will be a further weakening of the institution of marriage that has been on going for several decades now. Traditional marriage, rather than being held up as the ideal it once was, is simply lowered another notch to just one of many lifestyle options.

Another consequence will be that before long, marriage will be even further extended. Supporters of Same-Sex marriage have attempted to dismiss such claims as “different subjects” but the fact remain that virtually ever argument used to defend same-sex marriage apply equally well if not better to other lifestyle options. The question supporters have consistently avoided because they have never been able to answer is why just same-sex marriage? Why not bigamy, or polygamy, or a father marrying his daughter or whatever relationship one want to enter into? If the arguments are valid, why do they only apply to same-sex marriage? As it turns other lawsuits have already been filed.

Another consequence will be that the public school curriculum will need to be rewritten so as to include same-sex marriage as equal to traditional marriage. This will not only promote homosexuality and same-sex marriage, it will further drive people from the public schools and into private schools and home schooling, though given the state of the public schools this might be a positive effect. Still it will have the additional side effect of increasing the growing sense of two Americans, the emerging secular America that dominates the media, government and most institutions, and larger traditional American of people who feel increasing uncomfortable in their own country. Such a divided country is not a good thing.

Another consequence will be that same sex couples will have equal status in adoptions.

Another consequence is that the number of people who engage in same-sex relationship will increase. The PC line is that homosexuals are “born that way” it is fixed and cannot be changed. Even if this is true in some cases, clearly it is not in all. One only has to look at the levels of homosexuality in Greece to see the error of such a claim. Then there are some of the notable examples of people who once claimed to be homosexual, yet who are now not. Then of course there is the new trend towards lesbianism that is already appearing in many high schools and colleges. Thus since at least some people have a choice, as homosexuality is more accepted increasing numbers will make that choice.

Finally this further weakens the rule of law and the democratic process. This was not a choice debated and voted upon, but was imposed as the result of judicial fiat, not based on the law or constitution, but from the political agenda of the judges. As a result there is a growing sense among those opposed to such judicial activism that if the other side is not bound by the law, why should we. This, combined with the growing sense of two Americans, is a very dangerous mix.

Now if the supporters of same-sex marriage are correct, and the traditional family structure is merely one of many possible and equal lifestyle choices this will not make much difference in the long run, expect to further divide the country. But this claim is at best unsupported. 5000 years of human history and cultures from around the globe argue to the contrary. As do a growing number of social studies particularly over the last 10 years, that clearly demonstrate the negative impact on children and society that the weakening of the traditional family structure has already had. For the judges in Massachusetts, and those who are imposing this massive societal experiment on us their agenda trumps all this. The experiment has begun, I hope that I am wrong, but the evidence would seem to indicate otherwise.

May 18th, 2004

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