Kerry and the Nomination

Elgin Hushbeck -

It is reported that Kerry is thinking about delaying accepting the nomination. I understand the reasoning and logic behind it, and it does make some sense. But to me this points out just one more absurdity of the whole Campaign Finance system. After all if a candidate can wait 5 weeks, why don’t they just […]

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Crossing Another Line

Elgin Hushbeck -

One clear difference between conservatives and liberals is that for liberal, almost everything is political. This is one of the reasons liberals tend to gravitate into control of what otherwise are non-political organizations and then once in control, use the organizations to support their personal agenda, regardless of what the actual membership believes. For example […]

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Elgin Hushbeck -

I am seeing increasing comments that behind the scenes some leading Democratic are increasingly troubled by Kerry. Essentially the Dems have blasted Bush for 6 months during the primary, throwing pretty much everything they have at him. Polls show that people concerned about the economy and the war. Add to this the 9/11 commission, a […]

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How does it add up?

Elgin Hushbeck -

If you total up all the proposals that Kerry has promised in his campaign it come to 1.7 trillion in new spending over the next 10 year, most of this is in proposals he says he will push through in the first 100 days.(His health care proposal alone is projected to cost $900 billion) He […]

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Coverage of Polls

Elgin Hushbeck -

One of the things I have always found interesting in this stage of Presidential campaigns is how when the democrat is ahead in the polls we hear about the polls all the time, but when the Republican is gaining, or ahead in the polls, suddenly the polls don’t seem to be all that news worthy […]

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